Fuji XF16-55mm

I've Switched to the Fuji X-T4

When I learned that the Fuji X-T4 was to be released and I read its specifications I thought it would be an excellent camera. However, due to having very recently bought a Fuji X-T3, I didn’t think I would buy one. Due to some unusual and unexpected circumstances I have ended up buying a X-T4, if you’d like to hear the story behind this and see my first images and video taken with my X-T4 you can watch the video on my YouTube channel here. In that video I also cover some of the main features of the X-T4 that I feel will benefit my photography and video making.

Due to the current virus situation I am unable to head out as normal and take landscape images so I can’t yet use the X-T4 as I would like. However I have been trying the camera indoors and in my garden and so far I am very impressed. It has built upon the very solid foundation of the X-T3 and added some new features which personally I will find very useful. In terms of shape and size the design changes are subtle yet noticeable and it feels a little bit more comfortable to hold and use. I feel very much at home with using the camera coming from the X-T3.

Some of the main features that have stood out to me so far are:

  • The Rear Screen - although I really liked the X-T3 screen, overall the X-T4 design is more useful to me because I record video. Also the higher resolution means it is nicer to look at and helps when checking focus etc.

  • New Battery - longer life, less changing batteries and I won’t need to carry as many batteries.

  • IBIS - I spend most of my time doing landscape photography and nearly always use a tripod, but IBIS now means that there will be times I can get the shot I want handheld.

  • Improved Autofocus - this will be very useful in my wildlife photography and for video making.

  • Mechanical Shutter - it is now quieter, has a longer lifespan and has higher FPS in continuous shooting mode which will benefit my wildlife photography.

  • Stills and Video - clearer separation of stills and video and the settings and preferences for each.

  • Timer Settings - it is now possible to store your timer settings which I couldn’t do on the X-T3 e.g. the camera can optionally remember, even when switched off, that I had the 2 second timer activated. It is possible that Fuji could add this to the X-T3 in a future firmware update.

Be sure to watch my first X-T4 YouTube video linked above if you’d like to hear some more of my initial thoughts on the camera and see my first images and video.

#fujifilmx_uk #fujixt4 #fujifilm

The first image I captured with the X-T4 and XF16-55 lens in my garden.

The first image I captured with the X-T4 and XF16-55 lens in my garden.

A Fantastic Day of Hiking and Photography in Winter

It’s always nice to capture some good images when we are out doing landscape photography but it is important to enjoy the journey too. I recently did some hiking and photography on quite a tough day, I felt I captured a few nice woodland images and I had a wonderful day even though conditions were sometimes challenging. I took 3 images, you can see one below and all 3 are in my video documenting the day which you can watch here. I found a couple of areas of the woodland which appealed to me so I wanted to capture some of the atmosphere I felt when there in my images. It’s not always easy to do that but hopefully I’ve been somewhat successful. As the day progressed the weather worsened but I was still enjoying my hike so I decided to carry on to my destination even though I knew I most likely wouldn’t be able to capture any more worthwhile images on that day. Reaching the top of the hill felt rewarding and I was glad I made the effort. Anyway, I hope you like the image below and if you want to see the rest that I captured you can watch the video on my YouTube channel. For those who are interested I captured all 3 images on my Fuji X-T3 using the XF16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR lens.

A characterful tree captured on a winters day.

A characterful tree captured on a winters day.